First we would like to first make sure you do all you can to be safe: with Blizzard Warning it is always important to be prepared.
For personal safety, here are some great tips from CDC that help take preventive action – it is your best defense against having to deal with extreme cold-weather conditions.
Now, back to Business protection during winter storm
When preparing your business for the impending natural disaster, it is important to take precautions when it comes to your business, too – many businesses are not prepared adequately.
Special Note to our clients:
When severe weather conditions are imminent, prior to leaving your office please power off all workstations. Please leave your server(s) running as we will be monitoring these and in the event of a power outage many if not all will gracefully shutdown.
We will be reaching out to you all in the event that the storm does the expected damage and you can contact us as well and we will make best effort under whatever the circumstances to have you back up and running as soon as possible. Let’s hope for the best and that mother nature goes easy on us.
“But I am Not Your Client! Now What?”
If you have an IT solutions provider, please contact them for a disaster preparedness and recovery protocol. If you do not have a solution provider you can rely on, consider finding one going forward. In the meanwhile, what can be done immediately as you prepare with regards to your computer systems.
Practical Computer Tips to consider right now:
- Is your business located in the severe weather warning area? We are recommending that prior to leaving your office to power off all your desktop/notebook PCs.
- With big snowfall predicted, please watch for following flood warnings. If meltdown flood is anticipated, if you are in a flood prone area we recommend moving you systems from the floor and place them on your desk or higher, if possible.
- Please, advise your colleagues to do the same.
We recommend you also ensure that your office is prepared for disaster. Walk through your office; if any of your colleagues are not present at the time, take care of their workstations in the same way you care for yours, as we recommended in 3-steps above.
What to do in the future to protect your office, computer network and business data?:
Of course, preparedness is not about just a quick moving of the workstations to the higher grounds. There are other things that should have already be done ahead of time. Is your business prepared for a disaster? Earlier we published 3-part article that we recommend to read to help you make a plan for the future disaster preparedness and recovery protocol.
Part 1. To prepare for a disaster,What if you were to come into your office one morning and found that your server was off? Is your business data safe? How to back it up?
Part 2. To prepare for a disaster, What are the pros and cons of 3 primary primary data backup methods? These methods are tape / media, cloud, and disaster recovery / business continuity (DR/BC). First we look at the pros and cons and then we will look at the potential down time that may be experienced with each method.
Part 3. To prepare for a disaster, Learn how to choose the correct backup method for your organization as, what data to backup, testing your backup, as well as how to build a business continuity plan.
If you have any questions or need help, please, let us know either by calling at (201) 4931414, or email me directly at [email protected]
How is your state of IT? Call Us: (855) 551-7760 with any questions.