What is Cloud Computing? (And should you really care?)

Most of us are aware of cloud computing – and even those who are not, are using the Cloud every day.

So, what is considered a Cloud Computing?

Term “The Cloud” is a common shorthand for a provided cloud computing service, or an aggregation of all existing cloud services. Cloud computing fundamentally allows for a functional separation between the resources used and the personal computer. The computing resources may or may not reside outside the local network, for example in an internet connected datacenter. Cloud computing generally incorporates Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Hardware as a Service (HaaS). Within those, providers may offer an array of flexible and scalable monthly programs for:

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Anti-spam
  • Storage servers

What are the 3 main Cloud Services types of offers?

  1. On-demand services based on a subscription or a set pricing.
  2. Flexibility to scale services and resources based on the needs.
  3. The user only needs a computer, an internet access and a web browser to use resources, service or program.

Cloud computing can be a complex thing with several different aspects of functionality, but always uses the power of the Internet to provide products and services to end-users or consumers.

Desktop applications which connect to cloud email would be considered cloud applications. A good example would be a Microsoft Hosted Exchange that users can utilize for their Outlook mail client.

Should you really care about cloud?

Well, just like computers, cloud services are not going anywhere but up – they will continue to evolve and offer bigger, better solutions, developing exponentially. If you have not been yet, you should stay informed about any potential vulnerabilities, and about advantages of the cloud services, from this point on. There are opportunities to build, protect, and grow your business – and cloud services will be in the forefront of the future success.

Need more convincing? Here are our Top 5 Reasons To Love Cloud Services.

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